
This is our Blog for the proposed new Community Primary School at Coopers Edge, Gloucestershire. This Blog is intended as an opportunity to share information about the design and construction process with everyone who has an interest in this exciting project. We welcome all feedback - both positive and negative, but if you could give supporting reasons to your comments that would really help us!

More information regarding the project can be found at the main school website at http://www.coopersedgeschool.co.uk

Friday 1 October 2010

Tender Information

Work didn't stop following submission of the Planning Application for the new school!!

The 'Design Team' have had a very busy couple of months producing detailed design drawings and specifications for the new school, to enable EG Carter to produce their cost plan. This is a very busy time for us all, working closely as a team to ensure the building is properly co-ordinated from the Building Structure and Fabric through to the Ventilation, Heating and Lighting Strategies....and of course to ensure that we can deliver the building on time and budget.

Below is an extract from the drawings showing how the school will be built and the different materials we are using.

Planning Application Submitted!

It seems to have been a long journey to get to this point, especially for the Coopers Edge School Parent Community Group who submitted their bid to run the school back in April 2009, but an important milestone has been reached with the submission of a Planning Application that was formally registered on the 20th August.

You can view the application and all of the submitted drawings and supporting information here:

The Application Reference number is:  10/0087/STR3MJ

Fingers Crossed for a successful outcome!

Pre-Planning Design Consultation - Monday 5th July

We held our Pre-Planning Design Consultation in the evening at the Whittle Inn, located on the adjacent Gloucester Business Park and easily accessible for all residents and interested parties.
We displayed the developed designs for the school including, site plans, floor plans, 3D views of the building including elevational treatments, card models and sections. The entire Project Team was on hand to discuss the proposals with all attendees which numbered well over 50. This enabled all interested parties to view the selected scheme and comment on aspects of the design that they liked and also felt disappointed by.

We received some excellent feedback (both good and bad, but all constructive and useful) that has assisted us in developing the final scheme to be submitted for Planning Approval during August.

Monday 14 June 2010

Public Meeting - Pre-Planning Design Consultation

We are excited to announce that we will be holding a second public consultation session at the Whittle Inn, Brockworth from 7-9pm on Monday 5th July.

Our developed designs will be on display including more detailed floor and site plans together with proposals for how the school might look and feel, both inside and out. There will be members of the Project Team on hand to talk you through the designs and answer any questions that you might have.

We hope you are able to join us for a cup of tea and coffee and for a chat about how the designs are taking shape.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

BREEAM Workshop

Jones King, our M&E consultant for this project carried out an initial BREEAM Workshop which was attended by the whole Project Team.

BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) is the leading and most widely used environmental assessment method for buildings. It sets the standard for best practice in sustainable design and has become the de facto measure used to describe a building's environmental performance. 

This initial workshop allowed us to understand how best to achieve a building with genuine sustainability credentials right from the outset, before we have even put pen to paper on a design for the school!

At the moment we are on target for achieving a high end 'Very Good' rating for the school.

Community Drop in Sessions

Last week we held a series of 'Drop in Sessions' which were an opportunity for the wider community and all interested parties to come down to site and meet us in the shiny new Site Office, look at the work we have done so far and see the early conceptual designs for the new School.

We had a fabulous turnout and over 100 people came to see us for a chat and to ask questions and leave feedback regarding the different options that we had come up with for how the School design might come together.

Here are the 5 options we displayed at the sessions....

We have agreed the Brief!

Following our Project Team Meeting on Friday 14th May we have agreed and 'signed off' our Brief for the school before we start to work up our initial concept designs.

The Brief has been developed following the first 'Briefmaking' Workshop where we agreed an initial headline brief for the new School. We have then challenged and developed this as we have carried out the School Visits, BREEAM Workshop, Whole Life Value Workshop, Stakeholder Workshop and Pupil Workshops.

We have prioritised the brief into three categories, 'Primary Design Drivers' that form the essential ethos for the design of the school and that are seen as 'Project Critical', 'Secondary Design Drivers' that are all important and integral to the design of the new school and finally 'Nice to haves' which we all would like to see included within the final scheme, but that may need to be reconsidered depending on budget and spatial issues.

Aled and I are both excited now, as we are entering the early conceptual design stage where we can start to put pen to paper and come up with some initial thoughts and ideas as to how the school might look, work and feel!

Student Workshop - Design Day!

On the 18th May we held a Design Day at Robinswood Primary School. Pupils from Robinswood,  Hillview and Dinglewell Primary School joined us as we spent the day designing our 'Dream' Primary School.

We discussed how you know a building is a school, what makes a good school both inside and out, what they liked and disliked about their schools and then prioritised these into a list of 'Big Ideas' to help us design our 'Dream' school.

We then split into two teams and developed ideas and mood boards before coming up with our final designs using Sketchup, collage, drawing and montage to convey our ideas.

At the end of the day, the two teams presented their schemes to Martin (the Head of Robinswood) and Ash from Carter Construction.

The pupils from all of the Schools were superb and came up with some really fantastic ideas, some of which challenged our thinking on the early concept designs for Coopers Edge...it was also great to see them present their schemes at the end of the day and debate/defend their ideas with a real sense of ownership over their designs!

Monday 24 May 2010


We have visited a number of other schools whilst developing the brief for the new School. 

On Tuesday 27th April we spent the day visiting two Schools that had recently been completed and had a community focus. Staffordshire County Council kindly organised these visits and were on hand to explain the history behind the design and development of the Schools.

We saw lots of things at both schools that we liked and disliked and certainly found the day worthwhile.

A number of important themes came out of the visits namely;

- The opportunity of using the Small Hall to provide a Dance Studio/
Multimedia Space that could also be available to the wider Community

- Covered 'Inside-Outside' Space that could provide a wide range of uses for both the school and the wider community

- Grouping the Specialist Teaching areas into 'Heart-spaces' that allow for improved informal and distance learning

- Potential for covered 'Outside Classroom' spaces

- The benefits of considering the landscape and outside learning areas so that they can support the teaching and learning rather than being an 'afterthought'

The Schools that we visited were:

Redhill Primary School, Worcester
Littleton Green Community School, Staffordshire
Redbrook Hayes Primary School, Staffordshire

Wednesday 28 April 2010


Welcome to the Blog for the new Coopers Edge Primary School